Nadine Chantal Leclerc
![]() 790x695px; web-based animation (GIF); 2021 Nadine Chantal LeclercMississauga, Ontario, Canada STATEMENT OF ARTIST PRACTICEAs a visual artist with a new media background, I translate memories and moments into visual stories. Utilizing media archaeology as a medium and practice. Creating installations, digital drawings and animations by combining mediums and disciplines into transmedia works. While Interrogating traditional art forms through digital bricolage using personal, commercial and archival imagery. The narrative of my work is supported by teachings I have received on ecology, spirituality, and technology. Using this knowledge to express my relationship to memory and land. My professional background and education in design and art provides the skills necessary to support my narratives with documentary mediums. This includes production, graphics, and digital software. I have a corporate design background with industry experience in entertainment, research and instructional design. I utilize this knowledge of visual storytelling in my art practice – with the skills to document, record, and manipulate imagery into new unique artworks. ARTIST BIONadine is an artist, maker and instructor living in Mississauga, Ontario. Nadine works as a ceramics studio technician and teaches digital art. Nadine has over a decade of professional design experience in the GTA. Nadine has recently completed a BFA from York University in Visual Arts with a focus on sculpture and drawing. Starting this fall, Nadine will attend TMU for an MFA concentrating in New Media. Nadine is a diverse and eclectic artist. With the desire to grow their practice to help develop the next generation of creatives. CONTACTExamples of Collage in MotionDream Reunion![]() 790x695px; web-based animation (GIF); 2021 An animated bricolage using satellite and personal imagery. The drawings represent a reunion with my maternal grandfather during his passing. I hijacked his final dream to meet him in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. MORE On the Roof of the World![]() 800x450px; digital animation (GIF); 2022 Animated on top of a photo taken while laying on my back at in Toronto, Canada. The animation explores my relationship to the history of female trailblazers and guides in the Canadian tourism industry. MORE Eastern Sounds1280x720px; digital animation (MP4); 2020 A motion work of personal and archival imagery that illustrates the importance of dance and musicality to my ancestry. MORE Raspberry Almanack1080x1920px; transmedia installation; 2022 A transmedia work using ceramics, 3D printing, animation, and screen-printed media. This is a visual story of Grand-mama making jam from the raspberry bushes at the cabin. A work that explores ancestral memory and the relationship to the creatures and shadows that came to visit during harvest. Fingers6’x2.5′; sculpture; 2021 A public artwork behind my residence in Mississauga. This conceptual sculpture recreates the memories of capturing frogs with my cousins at my grandfather’s cabin. While offering a critique of the loss of water in this park due to urbanization. MORE |