NOTE: This is a World Collage Day History Page we are preserving as a document of the past. To see the current World Collage Day website, CLICK HERE
World Collage Day was 13 May 2023.
World Collage Day is an annual, international celebration of collage on the Second Saturday of May. Initiated by Kolaj Magazine in 2018, we invited artists and art venues to hold events on that day to celebrate collage. World Collage Day is about artists connecting across borders against a global context of entrenchment and separation. And the day is about an art medium that excels at bringing different things together to create new forms and new ways of thinking. Ric Kasini Kadour, the editor of Kolaj Magazine, writes, “We created World Collage Day because we wanted to honour this community of artists and to remind the world what a spirit of cooperation, mutual support, and creativity can look like.”
Read the commentary, “Acts of Hope: World Collage Day 2022” on Kolaj Magazine‘s Website.
2023 World Collage Day Poster
2023 World Collage Day Poster Artist
Kolaj Magazine is pleased to announce the 2023 World Collage Day Poster artist is Anthony D Kelly. Based Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland, he is an illustrator, writer, visual artist and integrative psychotherapist.
“There is something inherently beautiful, courageous and profoundly valuable in this creative drive to recompose alienated parts into new, wonderful and unified realities; especially in the face of potential missteps, mistakes and failures,” writes Kelly. “As an act collage invites us to hold a vital middle ground, to navigate juxtapositions, disjunctions, conflicts, contradictions and clashes of context, as we seek to move towards understanding, and the creation of something meaningful and new.”
The World Collage Day Poster is free for anyone to use. Click the image on the left to download a high-resolution pdf suitable for printing on an 11×17 piece of paper.
2023 World Collage Day Special Edition
2023 World Collage Day Special Edition
In honor of World Collage Day, 13 May 2023, Kolaj Magazine is releasing a special edition of the magazine.
The Special Edition is full of Cut-Out Pages and stories from inspiring collage artists.The printed magazine also includes an interview with 2023 World Collage Day Poster Artist Anthony D Kelly.
Those who purchase the Special Edition before 13 May 2023 will also receive a World Collage Day 2023 poster and a set of World Collage Day postcards designed by the poster artist, Anthony D Kelly.
Kelly writes, “When I think about collage, I like to think about the reverse, an act of weaving meaning, of pulling disparate threads together. In this way I am struck that collage by its nature provides us with an important meditation on our time.”
The World Collage Day 2023 Special Edition ships in April 2023.
Note: The World Collage Day 2023 Special Edition is not included in a regular subscription to Kolaj Magazine. It is automatically sent to April members of the Silver Scissors & Golden Glue Members of Kolaj Institute.
Planning Event
Get Ready for World Collage Day 2023
Sunday, February 26th, 2023
World Collage Day is an annual, international celebration of collage on the Second Saturday of May. In this online event, Ric Kasini Kadour shared the impetus for the day’s creation and its philosophy. We introduced the 2023 World Collage Day Poster Artist Anthony D Kelly from Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland who spoke about the concept behind the poster and the series of postcards he designed for the day. He writes, “As we move through our fractious contemporary reality: information overwhelm, social media trickery and increasingly polarised perspectives can seem to tear at the heart of our own perceptions of what is good, appropriate or even real. These divisive seeds of doubt, once sown, create disagreement, rifts, tensions and strife within our relationships, communities and wider societies. When I think about collage, I like to think about the reverse, an act of weaving meaning, of pulling disparate threads together.” Kelly and Kadour were joined by others planning World Collage Day events and activities.
Organize an Event or Project
One of the many remarkable things about collage is its ability to extend across borders and barriers and to involve people regardless of skill level. Professional artists at the top of their game sit side by side with members of the general public who are picking up scissors for the first time. This is unique in an art world that often trades on hierarchy and status. The collage community is generous and kind and welcoming. It is one of our greatest strengths. World Collage Day is one day we show the world how we do that.
We encourage everyone thinking about a World Collage Day event or project to take responsibility for educating themselves about the needs of their community. We encourage you to follow guidelines set out by health officials and be mindful that these may evolve and change over time.
If in-person gatherings are safe and possible in your community, we invite artists, art centres, museums, galleries, schools, and communities to celebrate World Collage Day by hosting events and projects that bring communities together. Ideas include collage making meet-ups, docent-led tours of collage in a museum or gallery, activities for kids, slideshows or talks that appreciate collage’s role in contemporary art and art history, exhibitions of collage, and more. Consider a project that manifests the spirit of World Collage Day in a safe and responsible way. This may take the shape of a Window Exhibition, sharing Collage Starter Packs for your neighbors, or organizing an online Collage Happy Hour. To get inspired, check out past events and projects from previous years.
In February 2021, Kolaj LIVE Online hosted a forum, “How-to World Collage Day.” You can watch it HERE.
Now is the time to plan and whatever you decide to do, we want to hear about it. After you submit your event, we will announce your event on the World Collage Day website and through our social media. We invite people to come together around collage in their own communities and to connect to the world digitally using the hashtag #WorldCollageDay.
Make a Donation
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Spread the Word
You don’t have to wait until the second Saturday in May to use the hashtag #WorldCollageDay. Hop on social media. Post images. Share what you will be doing to celebrate World Collage Day. Contact your local media and let them know about World Collage Day and ask them to cover the event in your area. Follow Kolaj Magazine on Social Media:
Past World Collage Day Events
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